Monday, January 02, 2006


December 14, 2005


Ok, I only have 7mins left in this session, so I have to be brief, more to come later.

It's late at night, I'm not even sure what time it is, and I just returned from a full and amazing day in Havana, what an incredible adventure.

The very very very best part though......I got to dance at the Tropicana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The show was really spectacular, there were some cheesy bits, which made it even better, but at the end, most of the performers come down to the audience, and some of them asked audience members to dance. The girl beside me, closest to the stage didn't want to get up, so I got to!!!It was just a few moments, and not on the stage - I probably wouldn't have had the nerve for that - but it was really really fun!


I'm pretty sure that someone else in my tour group got a photo of it, and she has my e-mail address, so hopefully I'll get to see it.

The day was really great. I handed out lots of pencils, pens, toothpaste, soap etc. And helped support the economy by shopping at the market. I bought my very first piece of real live oil painting art! And it was only about $30!

Ok, only 3 mins left, and this computer is very slow, so I'd better wrap up now.This has been a really really wonderful adventure, and I'm so excited for it to continue. Now my fingers are crossed for the forecast to change, and get some nice weather the next 3 days!


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