Tuesday, February 08, 2005

First Posting

Welcome to the wonderful world of my blog! Well, maybe not always wonderful, but hopefully at least interesting.
I used to enjoy writing, but have been so caught up in having to write corporate correspondence, that I've gone off it. I hope to be able to enjoy it again, and use this forum to learn to express myself, and work out my thoughts, via the written word.
My life's purpose these days seems to be limited to feeding and walking the dog, and working for the better good of others. It's time to spend some time working on the better good of me.
I am lucky. I live in a good home, with a wonderful dog. I have great friends, a good job that is satisfying, I am active and healthy.
But I'm not happy. I'm trapped in an eternal search for the thing that will patch the cracks that are oozing dissatisfaction.
I hope that by writing my thoughts, I will begin to see a pattern, and learn what it is that I am searching for, and finally, settle. I want to be content.


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