Friday, February 11, 2005


I attended a political function as part of my job this week. It was the first thing of this sort that I've ever been involved in and it appears I did well, as I've been asked to be a representative at another one, which features the provincial leader, next week.
I think there are many occassions when I need to learn to curb my enthusiasm for doing the best I can at whatever it is I'm doing.
There was a brief conversation with the cause of my anxiety and worries yesterday. He sounded really good. Two weeks away, playing in the snow with good friends, was clearly a good thing for him. I'm sorry it wasn't such a great thing for me.
I really appreciated the time away from him to think and talk about where we've been, where we are and where we should go. I just didn't have loads of fun doing it.
At some point over the next few days we will see each other, and decide what role we will be playing in each others lives for the next while. I'm looking forward to getting my thoughts out of my head, heard and acted on.


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