Wednesday, February 09, 2005


It's dawned another beautiful sunny day, and I have a huge hole in my being. I'm grateful for the sunshine though, without it I don't think I could've gotten out of bed.
The hole, I have concluded, is a result of a relationship that was very important to me becoming difficult. It's hard to contemplate completely removing someone from your life, in the hopes that it will be for the better of both of you in the long run. The head says this is what should happen, but the heart longs for the continued contact and involvement in their life. It's like head and heart have both gone to the opposite poles, and as a result, I have a hole in the centre of my body.
Somehow through all this, I'm still able to keep in mind that this experience is going to make me a better and stronger person. This is a wonderful piece of hope, because I know that in future relationships, I will be better for what I've learned in this one.
The other fabulous thing that has happened through these hard times is that I've learned that I have some amazing friends out there, and I am very lucky for that.
Let the sun keep shining!


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