Grace Notes

Monday, March 21, 2005

Spring is here

I wonder if the arrival of spring, even if it's only in theory the past few days, is related to me feeling so much better about myself and my life?
I had an amazingly wonderful, if tiring, weekend. I finally understand why people don't want to come back to work on Monday (besides having to get up to a buzzing alarm). When your personal life is so busy, fun and fulfilling, it's hard to put it on hold until the next weekend.
Not that work isn't busy, fun and fulfilling, it's just a different kind of those things. It's having to be somewhere and do something because someone else is paying you to do it and expects it of you.
I wonder how much the world would change if people were allowed to do what they felt was exactly the right thing with their time, instead of filling others' expectations of them.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Hello again

It's been almost a month since I wrote last. Time flies!
One of my key obstacles in keeping this blog is that I don't have a computer at home, so need to squeeze in time to write when I'm at work. And work has been busy the last while.
But, here I am today, still busy, taking the time to write. Sometimes it's important just carve out time for your own things.
It's a grey and rainy day today. We've been very spoiled with beautiful, sunny and mostly warm weather, and it's a bit hard to swallow such a harsh change in the weather. Today is the sort of day that makes you just want to stay in bed with a really good book and a nice warm mug of tea.
In the time since I last contributed to this blog, life has gotten really good. I'm almost afraid to say it, because then it might go away, but I think for the first time in my adult life, I'm happy!
It's an amazing and wonderful feeling.
I have learned so much in such a short time about who I am, where I am and how I fit in this world. The key thing is that I learned really fully and truly that I, and I alone, am responsible for my own happiness, and I am no longer waiting for that 'right' person to do that job for me. It's such a wonderful and freeing feeling.
Life is good.